Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

Caring for Someone with Coronavirus (COVID-19)

March 16, 2020

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By: Tasha Beauchamp What we know as of 3/1/20 COVID-19 is spread much like the regular flu—through coughs and sneezes that put droplets in the air and on surfaces. It may be 2–14 days after exposure before a person has symptoms. That means people can spread the virus without knowing it. And many have symptoms […]

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Aging Life Care Professionals: Caring For Yourself As We Care For Others

March 11, 2020

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By Kate Granigan In this trying time with the Coronavirus (COVID 19) upon us, the one thing that seems certain is uncertainty. Creative and out-of-the-box thinking, flexibility and need to think on your feet is critical with the rapidly changing tides. Who better than Aging Life Care Professionals® to meet this challenge? As a midsize […]

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The Power of Planning: Taking Charge of Your Own Aging Journey

March 5, 2020

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by: Lisa Mayfield At 72, Betsy is doing all the right things to ensure she enjoys good physical, emotional, mental, and financial health.  She eats a Mediterranean diet, doesn’t smoke, drinks in moderation, exercises regularly, has adjusted her spending and investments for retirement, goes for regular check-ups with her doctor, and gets the recommended health […]

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2020: The Aging Life Care Association® Celebrates Its 35th Anniversary

February 24, 2020

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Thirty-five years ago a group of visionary women in eldercare created a profession and a professional association. Originally the National Association of Private Geriatric Care Managers (NAPGCM), this non-profit has grown from 75 members to the now 2,000-strong Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA). Since 1985, Aging Life Care Association members have cared for about two […]

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January Doesn’t Have to Be Dry and Discouraging

January 30, 2020

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While “Dryuary” or Dry January seems like a relatively new trend, it’s origins date back much earlier. Even the New York Times showcases the activities around when Prohibition began (Jan. 17, 1920.) January is also a month where people re-consider their over-indulgences in food and drink then hit the gyms or yoga mats and buy […]

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Last Minute Thanksgiving Tips for Hosting Aging Adults

November 26, 2019

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If your Thanksgiving holiday is fortunate enough to include multiple generations at the dinner table, here are some simple tips for keeping aging loved ones engaged, comfortable and safe during holiday celebrations. Last Minute Thanksgiving Tips for Hosting Aging Adults By Lisa Mayfield, MA, LMHC, GMHS, CMC – Aging Life Care Association® President When planning […]

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Planning for Disaster: Evacuation Tips for Aging Adults

October 4, 2019

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No matter how much planning one does before a natural disaster—be it a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, fire, or flood—its arrival can often feel like a complete surprise. And for aging seniors, evacuating often comes with its own set of difficulties. With hurricane season still in effect and early winter storms blanketing parts of the country […]

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