Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

SELF-Compassion is a Gift

July 7, 2021

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After the last year and a half of living with a pandemic and beginning to see the signs of improvement, I was more than ready to listen to the June 6th virtual event by Dr. Lori Stevik Rust, “Compassion is a Gift.” As Aging Life Care Professionals in the human service field, most of us […]

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How to choose a Skilled Nursing Facility

June 30, 2021

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When families have exhausted other options sometimes the decision is made to move an older loved one in a skilled nursing facility. Usually, this decision is made under stress, without much time, and/or without a lot of information. You do not need to do this alone. Having a partner in this process, i.e. a professional […]

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Six Steps to Better Brain Health

June 28, 2021

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While the COVID-19 pandemic has presented us with challenges, it has also taught us lessons. Likely, you have tapped into your emotional reserves and discovered how resilient you are during this time. Brain health, of which mental health is an essential component, has been at the forefront of many conversations with family, friends, and colleagues […]

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Gray is a Color on the Rainbow

June 25, 2021

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June is Pride Month, a time to celebrate and affirm the diverse mosaic of our humanity. Part of this rainbow coalition includes a growing number of LGBTQIA+ elders. Conservative estimates are that there are over 3 million LGBTQIA+ people over 50 living in the US today. According to SAGE, an advocacy organization for the older LGBTQIA+ […]

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LGBTQ Care Managers in Care Management

June 23, 2021

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While Aging Life Care Managers come from a variety of backgrounds and expertise, they all have high qualifications, certifications, and uphold ALCA’s Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. Founded in 1985 by a handful of geriatric care social workers in New York City, the organization has grown to be nationwide and include educated professionals […]

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Navigating complex health-care systems with an Aging Life Care Professional®

June 16, 2021

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Now that the Pandemic has BLOWN UP THE HEALTHCARE SYSTEM, especially long-term care, the need for a savvy and experienced Aging Life Care Manager® is more evident than ever. Aging Life Care Professionals® are members of the Aging Life Care Association® (ALCA) and differ from Health Care Advocates, Patient Advocates, Senior Advisors, Senior Navigators, and […]

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June 15th is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day

June 15, 2021

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World Elder Abuse Awareness Day was launched in 2006 on June 15th by the World Health Organization. Elder abuse is one of the most overlooked public health problems in the United States. Victims of abuse are three times more likely than those who weren’t mistreated to die prematurely. Learn how to identify those at risk and […]

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Aging Life Care Moment with Spencer Brown, MSG, BA, LNFA, CMC

June 14, 2021

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Spencer Brown an Aging Life Care Professional® at Accountable Aging Care Management and ALCA’s South Central Chapter President shares his professional journey in Aging Life Care and ideas on how to increase membership. The post Aging Life Care Moment with Spencer Brown, MSG, BA, LNFA, CMC appeared first on Aging Life Care Association. Source: blog.aginglifecare

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Aging Life Care Moment with Jangir Sultan, OTR/L, M.S. AT, LNHA

June 10, 2021

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Listen to how Jangir Sultan, Founder and CEO of Patient Advocates of NY, utilizes his #ALCA membership to network and continue his education, along with a great suggestion on how to grow membership. The post Aging Life Care Moment with Jangir Sultan, OTR/L, M.S. AT, LNHA appeared first on Aging Life Care Association. Source: blog.aginglifecare

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