Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

Care Giver Shortage: Coming To Your Town

March 2, 2014

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Look out. Here it comes. Demand exceeding supply. Read all about it at “A Shortage of Caregivers”.  Why, you ask?  Well…, they’re 1) low-paid, 2) demanding  jobs, 3) high rates of injury and 4) frequently, no benefits. So…, I guess high demand and low supply will drive up wages solving the low pay issue. Think again. […]

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Credit Cards, Money and Seniors

February 23, 2014

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A really tricky issue. They’ve spent most of  their lives managing their own money and now its being asserted they can’t. Moreover, there are technological risks now that never were. And then the scammers (IE; people portraying themselves as soldiers in Afghanistan needing money). Finally, the reticence of an older person to admit, even when […]

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I Remember

August 27, 2013

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I would like to introduce you to a wonderful writing exercise that will help your clients or relatives remember things about their lives that they haven’t thought about in years. The exercise is called “I Remember” and it involves asking elders to write various lines consisting of a sentence or two. Each of the lines […]

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So, Just What Does A Geriatric Care Management Assessment Look Like?

August 3, 2013

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Many people want to know what assessments cover and what can be expected from one. Below, is an example of a recent one. This one doesn’t cover some things that might come up in other situations (ie; survey of residential possibilities, specific entitlement opportunities, etc…). Also, I’ve had to change or redact to maintain confidentiality. […]

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How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years

June 10, 2013

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By ABBY ELLIN Michael Kirby Smith for The New York TimesMarvin Tolkin, 86, says his monthly therapy sessions have been “making the transition of living at this age in relation to my family very doable.” Hear from Mr. Tolkin and two more seniors here. Marvin Tolkin was 83 when he decided that the unexamined life […]

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Signs of Abuse

March 17, 2013

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I’m not one to be alarmist. I don’t want to strive for your attention based on fear. But, elder abuse is real and maddening. BTW, self-neglect is still abuse. I want to spend the following space with a few signs that all should know to have a chance to intercede sooner, rather than later. In […]

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Communicating With Older Adults (Part 2)

February 12, 2013

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This is a continuation of the series started in the previous post. Face Them– Typically, when people experience disabilities, they compensate. In the case of hearing loss, lip reading is employed. So, you need to face your listener and you need to be at the same level. Hence, if they’re standing or sitting, you do likewise. Keep […]

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