Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

Care Giver Shortage: Coming To Your Town

March 2, 2014

Comment: 0

Look out. Here it comes. Demand exceeding supply. Read all about it at “A Shortage of Caregivers”.  Why, you ask?  Well…, they’re 1) low-paid, 2) demanding  jobs, 3) high rates of injury and 4) frequently, no benefits. So…, I guess high demand and low supply will drive up wages solving the low pay issue. Think again. […]

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Welcome to My New Elder Care Blog for New York City and Northern New Jersey!

September 28, 2009

Comment: 3

Hello, and welcome to my new elder care blog for NorthStar Care & Guidance, LLC, located in Bergen, New Jersey. Here is more information about me:

Mark Zilberman, LCSW is the Director of NorthStar Care and Guidance, LLC. Mr. Zilberman is a Deans’ List graduate of Hunter College in New York City, where he majored in Sociology. He then received a scholarship to attend the State University of New York at Stony Brook. There he earned an MSW in Social Work with a specialization in substance abuse treatment.

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