COVID-19 Changes Caregiving at Home Care Facilities
June 1, 2020
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//// By: Annette Murphy, BA, MSW, C-ASWCM //// The challenges of COVID-19 and the fundamental change it’s bringing to caregiving and our healthcare system will be felt for years to come. Social isolation, hard to find supplies, and worry over the advisability of face-to-face medical visits are just some of the concerns of family and […]
Read The Rest →Self-care During a Pandemic
May 29, 2020
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//// By: Harisa Paco, MSW, CMC //// Our nation has been moving towards reopening and Memorial Day weekend saw record numbers of people heading out and maneuvering how to kick-off summer in a socially distant way. While social distancing will still be important, and even as salons and other places begin hanging up their “open” […]
Read The Rest →One Care Manager’s experience through COVID-19
May 27, 2020
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//// Written by Joan Harris, LSW,MBA, CMC //// May is Aging Life Care Month and this is one perspective through COVID-19 by an Aging Life Care Professional. As professional Care Managers (Aging Life Care Professionals), when we take on clients we are 100% committed to them, their wellness, helping them to reach their goals, being […]
Read The Rest →It Pays To Have A Creative Geriatric Care Manager
May 22, 2020
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Just as the COVID-19 crisis began gripping the nation, a very determined and creative Aging Life Care Manager, Rachel Hodesh, began scheduling “FaceTime” calls with our caregiver during the caregiver’s time with a very special mutual client. In her first call, the senior client spent most of the time talking about this wonderful use of […]
Read The Rest →Social Isolation Due to COVID-19
May 20, 2020
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//// by: Kizzy Chambers //// The pandemic of COVID-19 has increased concerns about older adults’ cognition among many family members. Most of us understand that older adults or individuals with significant cognitive impairment or dementia, need stability and routine. As a result of the COVID-19, visitors are prohibited in nursing homes and assisted living facilities. […]
Read The Rest →Using Live-In Care To Lower The Risk of COVID Exposure
May 14, 2020
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//// By: David Petroski //// Did you hear the news that “…80% of [COVID-19] infections are mild or asymptomatic.” No, that quote is not from a dubious Facebook ad, or a cable news show personality, it’s from the World Health Organization’s Q&A page on the difference between COVID-19 and influenza. If that is true, how […]
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ALCA Members and Corporate Partners – Better Together During a Global Pandemic
May 11, 2020
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//// By Nancy Avitabile //// New York City, NY //// New York City slowly began shutting down around March 6. Some intrepid individuals continued to work until the Shelter-in-Place order was declared by Governor Cuomo on March 20. Aging Life Care Managers (ALCM) began to scramble; every day offered new information about public safety and […]
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A Different Kind of Mother’s Day
May 7, 2020
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//// By: Tanya Schwartz, LCSWR //// “Please tell the caregivers that we won’t need them this Mother’s Day weekend” “What do you think my mother will find useful and enjoyable as a Mother’s Day present? “Could we speak about my parents’ well-being in person while I am visiting them this weekend?” These are all questions […]
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Covid19: Till Death Do Us Part and No Sooner-An Aging Life Care Manager Advocating for A Simple Wish
April 29, 2020
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By: Bridget Ritossa //// During the first week of April I spent 48-hours working a case given to me by an elder lawyer. A client was at the hospital and deemed medically stable. The nursing home that sent him there for cardiac trouble would not take him back unless the hospital agreed to the terms […]
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Looking out for the emotionally vulnerable in the COVID world
April 27, 2020
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By: Bunni Dybnis, MA, LMFT, CMC Our lives have changed dramatically as COVID-19 becomes the focus of most everything. The news, warnings, restrictions, instructions, double messages, shortages, politics, and financial implications are never-ending. For most, the initial chaos, fears, panic, and confusion settle in as we adapt to our new world. For a small number, […]
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