Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

May 6, 2015

No one wants to place their loved one with Alzheimer’s in a nursing facility. But sometimes, that’s the best (or only) alternative, especially for those in the mid to late stages of the disease.

It takes a large team to care for people in these stages. They need a doctor on call 24 hours a day. They need a nurse available at all times. They need aides, a social worker, activity professionals, cooks and laundresses. And they need to be around other people for social stimulation. They need 24/7 supervision and they need to be in a safe, secure environment.

Providing for all these needs at home can be done, but it’s a full-time job. In many cases, the primary caregiver has to work full-time and thus can’t provide adequate care. And sometimes they can’t afford an in-home caregiver who could help make it possible to keep the patient at home.

People with Alzheimer’s (as well as most people without it) who have a clear and compelling need to be in a long-term care facility typically want to remain in their own homes. Often, they are unaware that their condition is such that nursing home placement would be best for them.

Read more here.

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