Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

June 25, 2015

by Jullie Gray, MSW, LICSW, CMC, Aging Life Care Association™ Member and Fellow of the Leadership Academy

This month, the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP released a landmark study – Caregiving in the U.S. 2015  – that provides new insights into the landscape of our nation’s caregivers and the challenges they face. Are you prepared to be a caregiver?

Have you been wondering if you have what it takes to care for your aging parent? Many adult children stumble into their role with little preparation, knowledge or support about

Caregiving in the U.S. 2015 is a joint research study between the National Alliance for Caregiving and AARP.

how to manage all of the complex issues of care. This can set up well-meaning family members to feel like failures. Many quickly experience frustration, feel drained, guilty, helpless or completely burned out.

The role of family caregiver demands a lot of time, patience, and persistence. Those who start with realistic expectations, reach out for help and plan ahead fare much better through the ups and downs than those who don’t. Becoming a caregiver for your family member should be planned for carefully.

Read more here.

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