Geriatric and Elder Care Management in New York City and Northern New Jersey

Signs of Abuse

March 17, 2013

Comment: 2

I’m not one to be alarmist. I don’t want to strive for your attention based on fear. But, elder abuse is real and maddening. BTW, self-neglect is still abuse. I want to spend the following space with a few signs that all should know to have a chance to intercede sooner, rather than later. In […]

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Communicating With Older Adults (Part 2)

February 12, 2013

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This is a continuation of the series started in the previous post. Face Them– Typically, when people experience disabilities, they compensate. In the case of hearing loss, lip reading is employed. So, you need to face your listener and you need to be at the same level. Hence, if they’re standing or sitting, you do likewise. Keep […]

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Communicating With Older Adults (Part 1)

February 3, 2013

Comment: 2

I received a mailing from the Gerontological Society of America the other day. It was entitled “Communicating With Older Adults”. It had a list of 29 tips on how to better connect with seniors. It was really targeted towards medical professionals. But, it had many EXCELLENT suggestions. In the next few posts, I’m going to […]

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Psychotherapy for Elderly With Dementia: What’s the Point?

November 13, 2009

Comment: 2

It sounds cold and unfeeling to some. But, it’s a legitimate question. It pushes at many of our predispositions and prejudices in regard to the elderly. Moreover, there’s rationale in the question. After all, when someone loses cognitive abilities for language and reason, just exactly what can the couch offer?

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Stuck? Not!

October 24, 2009

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 In the 11/21/08 edition of the New York Times Jack Healy wrote an article1s entitled “Unable to Sell Homes, Elderly Forgo Move To Assisted Living.” In it he cites the impact of the severely depressed housing market as an obstacle to accessing the funds seniors need to change residence. Its true that for most, the home […]

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Welcome to My New Elder Care Blog for New York City and Northern New Jersey!

September 28, 2009

Comment: 3

Hello, and welcome to my new elder care blog for NorthStar Care & Guidance, LLC, located in Bergen, New Jersey. Here is more information about me:

Mark Zilberman, LCSW is the Director of NorthStar Care and Guidance, LLC. Mr. Zilberman is a Deans’ List graduate of Hunter College in New York City, where he majored in Sociology. He then received a scholarship to attend the State University of New York at Stony Brook. There he earned an MSW in Social Work with a specialization in substance abuse treatment.

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